Anyone who smokes e-cigarettes every day doubles the risk of erectile dysfunction

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  • Anyone who smokes e-cigarettes every day doubles the risk of erectile dysfunction
Anyone who smokes e-cigarettes every day doubles the risk of erectile dysfunction
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

By FITBOOK | December 6, 2021 at 5:11 am

Smoking cigarettes damages potency. Researchers from the USA now say: With e-cigarettes there is an even higher risk.

Vaping means inhaling the vapor from an e-cigarette. Many smokers turn to electronic fags because they think it's healthier than smoking a regular cigarette. Others think they can use it to quit smoking. A research team led by Omar El-Shahawy from the University School of Medicine in New York (USA) has now discovered that e-cigarettes are not as harmless as is generally assumed. The researchers analyzed the health data of over 13,000 men aged 20 and over from the United States who reported using e-cigarettes. The shocking result of the study: The risk of erectile dysfunction was twice as high among respondents who smoke e-cigarettes every day as that of men who never vape. 1


Erectile dysfunction - a widespread problem

Erectile dysfunction - or medically: "erectile dysfunction" - is a distressing condition that significantly affects the quality of life of men worldwide. What is impotence? The inability to achieve and, if achieved, maintain an erection.

The male mishap is apparently widespread. Lead author of the study, El-Shahawy, writes: "It is estimated that there are approximately 26 new cases of erectile dysfunction per 1,000 men worldwide each year." . 2

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Erectile dysfunction from e-cigarettes

According to conventional wisdom, erectile dysfunction tends to plague older men over the age of 65. Various studies have shown that a variety of reasons can lead to a non-functioning penis, even in younger men. In addition to psychological problems, cardiovascular disease, obesity, high blood pressure or diabetes can also play a role. And a lack of physical activity also seems to impair potency in men. 3,4 According to the findings of El-Shahaway and his team, smoking e-cigarettes is also a risk factor. They found that men who smoked e-cigarettes had twice the risk of erectile dysfunction compared to men who did not vape. 1

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High levels of nicotine in e-cigarettes

Smoking changes the blood vessels, also in the male sex organ. In fact, e-cigarettes are considered less harmful than regular cigarettes. According to the researchers, they are widely promoted as a smoking cessation aid. Several countries such as Great Britain and Belgium even use e-cigarettes as a treatment in this regard. However, El-Shahawy and his team warn that the e-liquid concentration of e-cigarettes can sometimes be high in nicotine. The nicotine level is even higher with corresponding liquids than with conventional cigarettes.

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What do the researchers recommend?

No matter how old you are, vaping e-cigarettes can have health consequences. The current study shows that e-cigarettes could cause erectile dysfunction in men regardless of age, risk factors and the presence of cardiovascular disease. The researchers emphasize that the topic has hardly been scientifically investigated so far and that further research is needed. However, men should be informed that e-cigarettes can lead to erectile dysfunction – i.e. impotence.


  1. El-Shahaway O, Shah T, Obisesan OH et al. (2021). Association of E-Cigarettes With Erectile Dysfunction: The Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study. American Journal of Preventive Medicine
  2. Selvin E, Burnett A, Place EA (2007). Prevalence and Risk Factors for Erectile Dysfunction in the US. The American Journal of Medicine
  3. Seidman SN, Roose SP. (2000). The relationship between depression and erectile dysfunction. Current Psychiatry Reports
  4. Solomon H, Wan JW, Jackson G (2003). Erectile dysfunction and the cardiovascular patient: endothelial dysfunction is the common denominator. Heart
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