Also in 2021 most popular dentist in Lower Austria: jaw surgeon and implantologist GDR.Gerald Jahl from Eggenburg

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  • Also in 2021 most popular dentist in Lower Austria: jaw surgeon and implantologist GDR.Gerald Jahl from Eggenburg
Also in 2021 most popular dentist in Lower Austria: jaw surgeon and implantologist GDR.Gerald Jahl from Eggenburg
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner
pts20210504016 Medizin/Wellness, Medien/Kommunikation

GDR.Gerald Jahl in Lower Austria again at the "Docfinder Patients Choice Award"

Eggenburg (PTS016/04.05.2021/10: 20) - Docfinder is one of the large search engines on the Internet.The patients can evaluate their treatment there.If a doctor on this platform evaluates proud 99 percent of patients with "excellent", then he will receive this important award.In Lower Austria it was once again GDR in 2021.Gerald Jahl from idyllic Eggenburg managed to defend number one in patient favor in the field of most popular dentists.

The winner comments: "To get this award several times, proof of our consistent patient friendliness and expertise in our field - jaw surgery and implantology is.I would also like to thank my great practice team, which is available to me every day.It is a great confirmation of our work."Information about practice: http: //

High-class implant treatment also in a small town like Eggenburg

The selection is made from more than 500.000 individual ratings entered on Docfinder of patients in 2020, with over 70 million search queries on this platform.The importance of the modern treatment method also shows DDR.Gerald Jahl in his practice.He is one of the most accomplished implantologists in Austria and with his practice is a member of the exclusive group of international leading implant centers.The reasons: the latest computer-controlled dental implantology on the latest dentistry and a minimally invasive 3D-controlled implantion method that enables solid teeth in one day.

GDR.Jahl on the current award

Auch 2021 beliebtester Zahnarzt in NÖ: Kieferchirurg und Implantologe GDR. Gerald Jahl aus Eggenburg

GDR.Jahl explains on behalf of the practice team: "Yes, we are very happy! We are happy because we did this in the category of dentists as a pure jaw surgical practice.And that is very unusual, but gratifying.Why did we actually do it?Because there is a lot of hard and consistent work and a human concept behind it for years.We do very good and honest treatments, appreciate our patients and take care of them as best as possible.Empathy is lived by all employees, with each other and towards our patients.Our processes and our division of the appointments are optimal and we manage to give the individual patient a lot of time, which is our absolute goal."

Weiter führt GDR.Jahl from: "The implantology is operated at a very high professional and hygienic level and competence, quality, service and security are not phrases, but simply lived reality.We take our time, explain everything very carefully and just talk a lot to our patients we see as a partner.Feeling, understanding and trust shape our communication.Honest and open communication is the key to this good interpersonal relationship - as a partner in order to achieve successful implant treatments quickly and painlessly together.We consider patients as humans and we deal with all these people as we want to deal with us.Respect and honesty is our basis.And that's why we honestly say: Thank you! "

Some extracts from the more than 300 positive reviews of patients on Docfinder:

Docfinder, April 2021: "I had my lower jaw renovated with 4 implants.My doctor took the initial concerns about pain and long treatment time in a humorous and sensitive way. Ich kann GDR.Jahl only recommend very well."

Docfinder, April 2021: "Professionalism at the highest level.I'm full - great! "

DocFinder, Februar 2021: "Ich bin mit der Behandlung durch GDR.Jahl and his team satisfied.The procedure was painless and without complications.The 'All on 4' concept provides a new high quality of life."

New stuck teeth - within 24 hours!

Spezialist für ZahnimplanteGDR.Gerald Jahlhauptplatz 20a-3730 Eggenburgtel.: 02984 20 0 13E-Mail: willkommen@implant.or.ATPACTIES: Monday to Thursday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. All information on the homepage: http: //

Aussender: Der Pressetherapeut
Ansprechpartner: Alois Gmeiner
Tel.: +43 699 133 20 234
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